Landgraf Group – Artificial & Collective Intelligence

Prof. Dr. Tim Landgraf – Artificial & Collective Intelligence

In the near future, the capacity of man-made intelligent systems to communicate and collaborate will significantly change the way computing and control is organized. In biological systems, individual units often organize in groups, yielding various benefits for the individual. In social insects, many thousand individuals cooperatively exploit food sources, build or repair home structures, fend off enemies and accomplish a vast variety of tasks without central control. My group studies the mechanisms of collective intelligence in biological systems (mostly honeybees and guppies) via robots and machine learning methods. We also investigate how we can apply our findings in artificial systems to leverage the combined sensory, cognitive and motor capabilities of each individual for the group.

Address Freie Universität Berlin
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Arnimallee 7
D – 14195 Berlin
Room 111
Office hours Consultation only by appointment
Phone Secretary: +49 30 838 75102
Fax Secretary: +49 30 838 465301
Email Secretary:
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Tim Landgraf

Tim Landgraf